How to use Netflix Screen Lock Button feature on Android

Netflix may be accessed from any location as long as you have stable internet connectivity. There will be no dull moments while utilizing and watching Netflix episodes and movies if you carry your mobile device with you. That is how simple, convenient, and easy the Netflix app is to use for streaming. You simply create an account, subscribe to the service, and then download and install the app on any of your preferred streaming devices.

Watching Netflix on your mobile phone provides you with convenience and access to your favorite programs and movies at any time and from any location. You will never miss any of your favorite Netflix content no matter where you travel or stay. This is unquestionably the best streaming platform on the market. However, there is a little issue that may irritate viewers and cause their streaming session to be interrupted. You may experience a few unintentional taps that disrupt your streaming. This article will go through how Netflix resolved the issue and show you how to use the new feature.


This is a new feature built by Netflix to address some of their users’ unintentional taps. They now have a Screen Lock Button feature that will prevent you from accidentally pressing on your screen while viewing your favorite shows and movies. It’s wonderful news for all Android phone users who want to avoid the problem, and it’s especially convenient for them while they’re viewing Netflix on their phones. Even if you roam around, accidentally hitting a button on your screen will not interfere with the show that is streaming on your smartphone. All media controls on your Netflix app will be disabled by the new screen lock.

If you’ve ever accidentally tapped a button during a show and messed up your playback, Netflix has a solution for you: the Screen Lock Button Feature will lock your screen to prevent distractions while viewing Netflix. Continue reading below to learn more about the new feature, how it works, and how to use it to your advantage. And you can continue to watch Netflix videos without ever being frustrated.


  • With a few simple touches on your device, you will be able to use the function to your advantage. The app’s quick access that you’ve always desired is finally a reality, and streaming will never be frustrating again. Simply follow the instructions below to lock and unlock the feature so you can enjoy your streaming experience without interruption.

How to lock Netflix Screen Lock Button Feature on Android:

  • The screen lock option can be found at the bottom of your screen.
  • The choice will appear at the bottom of the screen once you’ve chosen a movie or a show on Netflix.
  • When you press the button, it locks the entire UI as well as the media controls, such as the Play/Pause button.
  • Even if you have to move from place to place, this will enable you hours of continuous streaming.

How to Unlock Netflix Screen Lock Button Feature on Android:

  • Simply press the screen twice to unlock the UI and enable media control.
  • The Screen Locked button will display.
  • To unlock, press the button once more.

Note: Keep in mind that system gestures are still available. Even if Screen Lock is activated, you can still swipe back.

Conclusion: When creating this solution feature for the screen lock issue, Netflix can now guarantee you a seamless streaming experience. Simply refer to this article if you want to use it right away and learn how to use it according to your preferences. In this article, we will present the best guide and instruction to the Netflix app’s feature so that you may enjoy smooth and good streaming at any moment.